verbal control

英 [ˈvɜːbl kənˈtrəʊl] 美 [ˈvɜːrbl kənˈtroʊl]




  1. The hand, verbal and written language were used to communicate with patients in experimental group while routine nursing care in control group.
  2. Verbal victimization is positively correlated with factors of unknown control of sociality, external control of sociality, in life;
  3. Children's performance on theory of mind tasks and on inhibitory control tasks were closely connected with each other. This correlation still existed even if such factors as age, gender, intelligence ( including Verbal IQ and Performance IQ) and non-mental state control tasks were controlled.
  4. Results: The full intelligence quotient ( FIQ), verbal IQ ( VIQ) and performances IQ ( PIQ) in FAD group were in normal range, but FIQ and PIQ were significantly lower than those of control group.
  5. The detective rates of high frequency audition loss and verbal frequency audition damage were significantly higher than that in the control group as well.
  6. Scores of sight-touch, motion/ gesture of posture/ body, facial expression, articulation, verbal fluency, mental state in communication and total score in the training group were markedly higher than those in the control group, differences were significant.
  7. A proper use of these elements might stir up students in their studies, supplement and reinforce verbal instruction, as well as transmit emotional information and adjust process to make things under control so as to strengthen teaching effects.
  8. In the sides of teachers 'verbal mood, expression, the control of the learning climate, and the other teaching behaviors, the autonomy-supportive teachers and the controlling teachers, have significant difference.
  9. Results Psychometry revealed that in PD group the scores of every tests in verbal part were significantly lower than that in control group, and the average value of performance QI was less than that of verbal IQ in PD group.
  10. Comprehensive reference to explore the process of information theory, systems theory and cybernetics, we found that operating mechanism rhetorical situations in the actual verbal communication is often a real-time level adjustment, control and feedback of the complex operation of the system.
  11. From the viewpoint of cognitive psychology, Relevance Theory suggests that verbal communication is a kind of cognitive activity conforming to certain inference thinking, under the control of relevance principle, thus we should interpret communication from the view of ability but not from behavior.